2022 Results Report of the Regional Collaborative Platform for Europe and Central Asia

The 2022 system-wide results report of the Regional Collaborative Platform for Europe and Central Asia (RCP ECA) provides an overview of the actions of the UN development system taken in support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the region.
Europe and Central Asia (ECA) faced large-scale crises as a result of the direct regional implications of the war in Ukraine as well as its global impact and the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Existing structural inequalities across social, economic, and environmental dimensions are exacerbated, and weak governance models are overwhelmed. Further, women, youth, migrants, refugees, and already vulnerable populations are being disproportionately affected. Despite unprecedented emergency measures taken by the international community and by governments, further robust action is necessary to rescue the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in the region.
The RCP ECA advanced in the implementation of the five transformative areas set out by the UN Secretary-General for the repositioned regional architecture of the United Nations development system (UNDS). Through its Issue-Based Coalitions (IBCs), the RCP focused its activities on Gender Equality; Adolescents and Youth; Social Protection; Health and Well-being, Large Movements of People, Displacement and Resilience; Environment and Climate Change; and Sustainable Food Systems. It also made significant progress in the area of data and statistics for the SDGs through the consolidation of statistical and data capacities.
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