Japan NIMS Internship Program 2024 For 100 Interns (Apply)

Internship in Japan. Each year the National Institute for Material Sciences (NIMS) offers 100 internships for undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world. The applications are open to apply for the Japan NIMS Internship Program 2024. Students from domestic and international universities can apply for this paid internship program. This is a great opportunity for students who want to get practical experience in the field of materials science at NIMS.
NIMS is a world-class research institute in the field of Material Science. NIMS provides a great internship experience. NIMS accepts about one hundred (100) students from all over the world every year. Financial support is available for the students in the form of Daily allowance and accommodation. The internship period is up to 90 consecutive calendar days. More information about the NIMS Internship in Japan is given below.
Details About Japan NIMS Internship Program 2024
- Host Country: Japan
- Duration of Internship: 90 Days
- Funded by: National Institute for Material Sciences (NIMS)
- No of Interns: 100
- Deadline: 10th May 2024
Benefits for the Interns
- 2,560 Yen/day Daily Allowance
- Accommodation Fee
- A Certificate will be issued after the submission of the Final Report
Note: Participants have to cover all other expenses on their own.
Also Check: MPIL Internship 2024 in Germany (Paid Internship)
What is Material Science?
Material Science is the study of Material, how it is structured, and manufactured, and the study of its properties. Things that come under Material Science are:
- Metals
- Ceramics
- Polymers
- Semiconductors
- Composites
- Biomaterials
- Nanomaterials
These are just a few examples.
Eligibility Criteria to Participate in NIMS Internship
- It’s open to Undergraduate and Graduate students.
- Open to Nationals and International Students from Japan and outside Japan.
NIMS accepted over 1,916 students from 58 countries all over the world by 2022. The accepted students came from Asia, Europe, America, Oceania Africa.
Also Check: List of Summer Schools and Summer Internships in 2024 (Fully Funded)
Required Documents
Students are required to send these documents to the Researchers at NIMS via email.
- Application form for NIMS Internship Program in English.
- CV
- Educational Certificates
- Transcripts
- Doctoral and master’s students are required to submit both undergraduate and graduate transcripts
How to Apply for the NIMS Internship Program?
- Students can not directly apply for the NIMS internship.
- Students first need to contact the supervisor of their interest at NIMS. Search (NIMS Researchers Directory Service “SAMURAI”
- If the supervisor agrees to have you as an intern. Then you must submit the above documents to the supervisor.
- After the screening of documents, your supervisor will tell you the next process. NIMS internship will start.
- The official link to the NIMS Japan Internship website is given below.
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