UAL International Postgraduate Scholarship 2024-25 in London

The UAL International Postgraduate Scholarship 2024 is a prestigious £50,000 scholarship offered by the University of Arts London. The scholarship covers the cost of tuition fees, and accommodation at UAL’s halls of residence and may also used toward living costs. The scholarship is for a full-time master’s degree program. The decision will be made in August 2024. The course will start in September or in October 2024.
The Univeristy is Located in London, England, and was established in 1986. It is a Public collegiate university. The UAL International Postgraduate Scholarship 2024 is available in all six UAL colleges. You must fulfill the criteria set by UAL to get this scholarship. There are many scholarships in the UK for international students. Please check the list of BS MS PhD Scholarships in the UK. More details about the Scholarship are given below.
Details About UAL International Postgraduate Scholarship 2024-25
- Country: UK
- University Name: University of Arts, London
- Degree Level: Master
- No. of Scholarships: 4
- Deadline: 5th July 2024
Scholarship Value
The Value of the UAL International Postgraduate scholarship is £50,000. The scholarship includes:
- Covers the Cost of Tuition Fee
- Will Provide Accommodation at one of the UAL’s halls of Residence
- Contribution towards Living Cost
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Target Group
The scholarship is open to students who are from low-income economy countries (a list of qualifying countries is available below).
Afghanistan | Ghana | Pakistan |
Albania | Grenada | Palau |
Algeria | Guatemala | Palestine, State of |
Angola | Guinea | Panama |
Antigua and Barbuda | Guinea-Bissau | Papua New Guinea |
Argentina | Guyana | Paraguay |
Armenia | Haiti | Peru |
Australia | Honduras | Philippines |
Azerbaijan | India | Qatar |
Bahamas | Indonesia | Russia |
Bahrain | Iran | Rwanda |
Bangladesh | Iraq | Saint Kitts and Nevis |
Barbados | Israel | Saint Lucia |
Belarus | Jamaica | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
Belize | Jordan | Samoa |
Benin | Kazakhstan | Sao Tome and Principe |
Bhutan | Kenya | Saudi Arabia |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | Kiribati | Senegal |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Kuwait | Serbia |
Botswana | Korea (Republic of) | Seychelles |
Brazil | Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of) | Sierra Leone |
Brunei | Kyrgyzstan | Singapore |
Burkina Faso | Lao People’s Democratic Republic | Solomon Islands |
Burundi | Lebanon | Somalia |
Cabo Verde | Lesotho | South Africa |
Cambodia | Liberia | South Sudan |
Cameroon | Libya | Sri Lanka |
Central African Republic | Madagascar | Sudan |
Chad | Malawi | Suriname |
Chile | Malaysia | Syrian Arab Republic |
Colombia | Maldives | Tajikistan |
Comoros | Mali | Tanzania (United Republic of) |
Congo | Mauritania | Thailand |
Congo (Democratic Republic of the) | Mauritius | Timor-Leste |
Costa Rica | Mexico | Togo |
Côte d’Ivoire | Micronesia | Trinidad and Tobago |
Cuba | Moldova (Republic of) | Tunisia |
Djibouti | Mongolia | Turkey |
Dominica | Montenegro | Turkmenistan |
Dominican Republic | Morocco | Tuvalu |
Ecuador | Mozambique | Uganda |
Egypt | Myanmar | Ukraine |
El Salvador | Namibia | United Arab Emirates |
Equatorial Guinea | Nauru | Uruguay |
Eritrea | Nepal | Uzbekistan |
Eswatini (Kingdom of) | New Zealand | Vanuatu |
Ethiopia | Nicaragua | Venezuela |
Fiji | Niger | Viet Nam |
Gabon | Nigeria | Yemen |
Gambia | North Macedonia | Zambia |
Georgia | Oman | Zimbabwe |
Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible:
- You must hold an offer to study a full-time master’s course at one of UAL’s Colleges and Institutes starting in 2024/25.
- You must be a National and resident of the above-mentioned countries.
- Citizens of Canada, China, Japan, UK, USA, and the European Union/EEA member states, and other developed countries are not eligible.
- Your course must offer either a Grad Dip, M ARCH, MA, MFA, MBA, MRes, or MSc qualification.
- You must be available full-time in person in London.
- If you already hold a Postgraduate degree in the UK, then you can not apply.
- If you are an asylum seeker in the UK at the time of application then you are eligible.
- Your annual household income must be £25,000 or less at the time of application.
- You must provide a personal statement of 350 words covering these:
- Describe how receiving a postgraduate scholarship would make a difference to you.
- Tell us how you intend to use the qualification you will be gaining to support your plans.
- Describe how you would address challenges in your home country.
- Tell us how you would uphold the values of social justice and environmental stewardship.
Application Process for the UAL International Postgraduate Scholarship 2024-25?
You must first apply for admission and receive an offer of acceptance. Once you’ve received an offer to study at UAL, the ‘my finance and funding’ tab on your applicant portal will be updated from February onwards to include application forms for scholarships you may be eligible for. Submit your scholarship application before 5th July 2024.
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