UNCT Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note 2024

The purpose of the UNCT Gender Equality Marker (UNCT-GEM) is to track how UN Country Teams (UNCTs) are allocating resources towards gender equality and the empowerment of women. The UNCT-GEM uses a four-point coding scale, from 0 to 3, to indicate the planned contribution to gender equality. It is a mandatory code for UNCTs and applied to the sub-outputs in UN Joint Work Plans under the UN Cooperation Framework in UN INFO.
This updated UNCT Gender Equality Marker Guidance Note supersedes the 2019 version and provides UNCTs with additional clarity regarding coding definitions, implementation, and quality assurance aligned with UN Development System reform. This Guidance Note is for UN colleagues at country level engaged in UN Gender Theme Groups or/and in the development of the UN Joint Work Plan.
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