التدريبتدريب مجانيفرص تدريب مجانيمنح دراسية عالمية

كورسات جامعة ستانفورد الدراسة أونلاين بشهادات ومجانا

كورسات جامعة ستانفورد الدراسة أونلاين بشهادات ومجانا

Stanford University Free Online Courses


Our free online courses provide you with an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills and study new and emerging topics. Learn from Stanford instructors and industry experts at no cost to you.


You can gain access to a world of education through Stanford Online, Stanford University’s online learning provider. Our robust catalog of credit-bearing, professional, and free and open content is developed by Stanford faculty across the university, providing a variety of ways for you to expand your knowledge, advance your career, and enhance your life.


Check: Harvard University Free Online Courses


About Stanford University

Stanford University is one of the best universities not only in the United States but all over the world offering free online courses for Stanford University. Stanford Online is expanding access to learners around the world by providing a robust list of courses and open content through a variety of online learning platforms.


Address: 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, United States


The English language courses offered by US EMBASSY


Why we recommend Stanford University

Aspirants from all over the world are eligible to enroll in Stanford University online courses. No registration fee is required. Stanford university online courses are free. There are also accredited certificates after completing the courses.



University: Stanford University

Country: United States of America (USA)

Number of courses: Unspecified

Deadline: No deadline

About Stanford University’s online courses

Stanford University allows you to start learning with free online courses from the best universities in the world.

You can choose from hundreds of online courses consisting of Stanford online courses for computer science, economics, digital marketing, languages, etc. All course areas are available.

Stanford Online becomes a founding member of the organization serving 20 million learners

The short online courses are free, and some other courses have a small fee.

Certificates are available after completion of studies.

Check this course Facebook Social Media Marketing Professional Certificate


Available Fields


Business and Management




Natural and Social Sciences

Medicine and Health



Innovation and Entrepreneurship


Human Rights

Environment and Energy



Design and Creativity

Computer Science

Statistic and Data Science

Advantages of studying through Stanford University courses

This is a free scholarship for international students. Let students from every corner of the world.

No fees are required in order to register.

Free online courses as well as paid courses

Online access mode.

Certificates will be awarded after completion of the course.


Grab a front-row seat to research and teaching at Stanford through engaging learning experiences taught by experts in the field.



Take courses online, part-time, and/or at your own pace, while connecting with faculty and learners around the world.



Choose from free content, professional education, credit-bearing programs and graduate degrees.


Conditions for applying

Courses are available to students of all nationalities

It can be an EU citizen as well.

There are no age limits.

School or undergraduate applicants, graduates are eligible as any qualification can apply to study at Stanford University.


How do I get a free Stanford certificate?


Stanford University offers 69 free online courses through Lagunita, Stanford’s own MOOC platform, which is based on Open edX. Of those 69 courses, 44 offer a free certificate of completion, including courses in computer science, engineering, and medicine. The courses are self-paced and involve auto-graded assessments.


How to apply

The application process for the study courses offered by Stanford University is very easy. All you need is that you just need to register for the course you want and then start studying. The link to Enroll online is shown below in blue.



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